We started exploring the Southwest in the beginning of 2024. We were introduced very early in our travels to Fulltime Families. This great organization helps to connect families who are traveling on the road fulltime. We had a blast at their Halloween Hullaballoo RV Rally in South Fork, CO. While there, we were introduced to another organization, Xscapers. We went to the Xscapers Bash RV Rally in Lake Havasu in January and the Fulltime Families West Coast Family Reunion Rally in Winterhaven, CA in February (I know this is not technically in the Southwest, but it 10 miles from Arizona)! We really loved our winter in the southwest and the fun and unique desert landscapes that were very foreign to both of us. We left a couple states unfinished, so we'll definitely be back! Let us know if you're in one of that states that we haven't finished yet and if you'd be willing to host a pizza party HERE!
- Arizona (50/50 pies made!)
- Pies 1-32 in Lake Havasu for the Xscapers Bash RV Rally in January 2024
- Pies 33-50 at Thousand Trails Verde Valley in January 2024
- New Mexico (32/50 pies made!)
- Pies 1-32 at Carlsbad KOA for PIE Day 3.14.24
- No plans yet for pies 33-50
- Oklahoma (trip not yet planned)
- Texas (50/50 pies made!)
- Pies 1-32 in Paris at the Escapees Solar Eclipse Event in April 2024
- Pies 33-50 in Lake Conroe at Thousand Trails Lake Conroe in April 2024